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Expenses and Invoicing System
Modernize Your Expense and Invoice Management

Our Expenses and Invoicing is a comprehensive Expenses and Invoice management system. It puts expense and invoice, related documents and financial reporting together in a single system.  Our System runs on Microsoft Office 365 cloud environment. It is highly secure, reliable, accessible at any time on any device, and manageable. You do not need additional investment in hardware, software, infrastructure, and resources. Because of the availability of Office 365 we can make this application available in any part of the globe where Office 365 is available. 

Why use more than one system for managing your business when you can do it in one single system!

Key Features

Key Features of Smart App Business Solution – Expenses and Invoicing System

Client/Contact Information

Expense information management

Invoice information management

Invoice generation

Invoice reminder

Document management

Business Process Automation

GST and TAX related reports

GST and TAX related data export

Data Visualization and Advanced Reporting

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